
Update on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:33:40 +0000


Various shows from China, Hongkong and Taiwan

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播出节目主题列表 (按日期倒序排列) 日历列表
12.31Thu Live: Discovering the mesmerizing beauty of snow-capped Meili Mountain – Ep.13大美云南,梅里雪山12.15Tue Live: Join the New Year celebrations of China's Dong ethnic group 带你去肇兴侗寨过侗年12.14Mon Live: Have a bite of north China's Hohhot Shaomai dumplings 塞外茶点青城稍麦
12.11Fri Live: Breathtaking sea view of Haitang Bay in Sanya12.10Thu Live: How to eat like a local in SW China's Guiyang City? 走进贵阳护国路,寻找黔味之冬12.09Wed Live: Breathtaking view of Sanya Bay in Hainan
12.08Tue Live: A frozen fairyland in central China's 'Heaven's Gate' Tianmen Mountain – Ep. 712.07Mon Live: Breathtaking sea view of Haitang Bay in Sanya、 Ep. 8 华山霁雪见冬日画境12.05Sat Live: Explore Letong Ancient Town of China's Khampa region走近网红“世外桃源”四川理塘
12.01Tue Live: Discover the charm of northeast China's Snow Town Ep.7 冬日雪乡-冰雪王国里的童话小镇11.30Mon Live: Picturesque snow scenes at northwest China's Mount Huashan 华山霁雪见冬日画境11.29Sun Live: Discover the charm of northeast China's Snow Town Ep.5 冬日雪乡-冰雪王国里的童话小镇
11.28Sat Live: How villagers' life changes after moving out of 'cliff village'?11.27Fri Live: Explore the Ming-dynasty Huanghuacheng Lakeside Great Wall Ep. 911.26Thu Live: Experience the charm of Sheba Festival on a night tour 夜游芙蓉镇,体验独特的土家舍巴节
11.24Tue Live: Discover a frozen world at dawn in NW China's Xinjiang 一起解锁新疆昭苏绝美雾凇11.22Sun Live: A night view of the Grand Canal in Hangzhou Ep. 611.21Sat Live: Explore two villages in China: harvest season in Jiangxi and Yi's traditional New Year in Sich
11.20Fri Live: Explore the Ming-dynasty Huanghuacheng Lakeside Great Wall Ep.2塞外景, 江南风,尽在北京黄花城水长城11.19Thu Live: Fancy some space fruit and vegetables? 来海南首个航天科技为主题的好圣村,品尝 “航天瓜菜“11.18Wed Live: Enjoy Guangzhou International Light Festival
11.17Tue Assignment Asia: JK culture in Japan11.16Mon Live: Roam the exotic Starlight Night Market in Xishuangbanna来西双版纳, 体验风情夜市11.15Sun Live: Lovely swans wintering at Shijiu Lake in E China's Nanjing
11.14Sat Live: Celebrate New Year's Eve for Qiang ethnic people with distinctive Qiang cultures11.13Fri Live: Enjoy drum dances of different minorities in Dehang Great Canyon11.11Wed Live: Above the beautiful skyline of Shanghai, Pearl of the Orient
11.09Mon Live: Tracing the roots of the Wa ethnic group in SW China11.08Sun Live: Above the beautiful skyline of Shanghai, Pearl of the Orient – Ep. 6观外滩繁华 品上海风光11.07Sat 勇闯非洲之巅! 窦骁七天艰难徒步 攀登乞力马扎罗雪山【奇妙之旅】
11.06Fri Live: Above the beautiful skyline of Shanghai, Pearl of the Orient 观外滩繁华,品上海风光11.05Thu Live: Inside north China's Taiyuan Botanical Garden 污染源变网红打卡地,一起探访山西最大植物园11.04Wed Live: Shanghai celebrates 3rd CIIE with light show along Huangpu River 浦江两岸精彩灯光秀今日继续
11.03Tue Countdown to CIIE – Cruise down the Huangpu River in Shanghai 进博倒计时 夜游浦江感受海派魔都11.02Mon Live: Welcome to CIIE! Above the beautiful skyline of Shanghai, Pearl of the Orient11.01Sun Live: Above the beautiful skyline of Shanghai, Pearl of the Orient
10.30Fri Live: Beautiful golden scenery of Ginkgo 贵州千年银杏叶变黄10.29Thu Live: Tour flower alley and enjoy dance in SW China's Mongol village 漫步百花巷,体验蒙古族篝火狂欢10.28Wed Live: A lovely teatime at a rose garden in SW China flower kingdom 花卉王国玫瑰园里的浪漫下午茶
10.27Tue Live: Join China's Hani people to prepare for Shiyuenian Festival10.26Mon Live: How to make a pretty, tasty banquet with leaves 打卡德宏绿叶宴,感受中缅边境上的景颇味道10.25Sun Live: Meet the descendants of ancient Dian Kingdom in SW China 漫游古神树林,邂逅古滇王国后�
10.24Sat Live: Have taste of authentic Pu'er tea at ancient SW China village10.23Fri Live: Discover a Bai village on the ancient Tea Horse Road 探访茶马古道上的白族村落10.22Thu Live: Explore a popular night fair in east China's Kunshan City
10.21Wed Live: Meet the last tattooed women of the Derung ethnic minority 寻找即将消失的独龙族文面女10.20Tue Rediscovering China: Dreams of a charity school10.18Sun Live: A journey back in time at Tongchuan Ancient Town探秘潼川古城的前世今生
10.15Thu Live: Grottoes of over 000 years echo a world music feast10.14Wed Xinjiang 65 years on: Show the world the other side of Xinjiang10.13Tue Live: The fascinating scenery in Xinjiang 跟随CGTN来一场脑内旅行,漫步多彩新疆
10.12Mon Live: The fascinating scenery in Xinjiang 跟随CGTN来一场脑内旅行,漫步多彩新疆10.10Sat Live: Chinese villages turn winemaking specialty into economic growth高原葡萄“酿”出幸福生活10.09Fri Live: The most fascinating sceneries in Xinjiang 跟随CGTN来一场脑内旅行,漫步多彩新疆
10.08Thu Watch: What is Xinjiang's Economic Zone like? 乌鲁木齐赏街景10.07Wed Live: 'Striking tree flowers' – China's classic molten iron throwing celebration 张家口蔚县探秘打树花10.06Tue Live: Explore the sweetness of Grape Valley in Turpan, Xinjiang、南疆巴州体验蒙古族风情
10.05Mon Live: A traditional way of traveling in Turpan 'Donkey carriage' in the city、博斯腾湖生态保护与环湖旅游发展10.04Sun Live: A trip to east China's Yangcheng Lake, home of the hairy crab 高铁穿越阳澄湖?那大闸蟹呢?10.03Sat Live: Witness of an ancient friendship at East King of Sulu's tomb 坐高铁看中国——大运河畔苏禄王陵
10.02Fri Live: Join a cruise tour on south China's Zhujiang River夜游珠江,畅聊羊城古今09.30Wed Live: Special coverage on an eight-day China high-speed rail tour坐高铁看中国,纵横之间领略中国之美09.29Tue Live: All you need to know about the Uygur Twelve Muqam十二木卡姆 流动的“音乐化石”
09.28Mon Live: Explore local life after nightfall in Xinjiang's Kashgar 喀什老城夜生活09.27Sun 上集超美! 今天的新疆以独特的魅力诠释着“诗与远方” 「新疆 亚克西」、下集09.26Sat Live: Experience Dolan folk culture in NW China's Xinjiang 打卡刀郎部落 体验民族风情
09.25Fri Live: Witness world's largest tidal bore in Qiantang River, E China 观潮揽“月” 享钱塘“潮”涌09.24Thu Live: Night tour of Bailucang Scenic Area in Xi'an 晚望白鹿原,秋夜醉长安09.23Wed Live: The legend of the Turhuts returning east through Kaidu River in #AmazingXinjiang
09.22Tue Watch: CGTN on the road, enjoy the trip view from Tekes County to Nalati Grassland09.21Mon Live: Join CGTN in Zhaosu grassland and enjoy the view of horses galloping along the river. 昭苏天马、 a place without traffic lights09.20Sun Live: Join a goody hunt in Ili Prefecture of NW China's Xinjiang寻宝新疆丨伊犁“好物大放送”啦!
09.19Sat Watch: Magnificent view of Kuitun Grand Canyon Ep. 2穿越新疆奎屯大峡谷,感受大自然的鬼斧神工09.18Fri Live: Discover the mysterious Tianshan Grand Canyon – Ep.2 天山大峡谷 大自然鬼斧神工雕琢的绝美景09.17Thu Live: Explore Shihezi, a shining pearl on the Gobi Desert #AmazingXinjiang
09.16Wed Live: Join a goody hunt in Tacheng in NW China's Xinjiang寻宝新疆,新疆塔城“好物大放送”09.15Tue Live: A treasure that has lain dormant for millions of years Black Oil Mountain of Karamay 黑油山09.14Mon Live: Journey to 'Devil City' in Karamay, Xinjiang 克拉玛依魔鬼城之旅 Ep.3
09.13Sun Live: A waterfall formed by the spray of nine dragons Jiulongtan River in #AmazingXinjiang 九龙潭09.12Sat Live: Join a goody hunt in Altay region of NW China's Xinjiang 新疆阿勒泰“好物大放送”!09.11Fri Live: The cultural treasures of the National Museum of Korea 走进韩国国立中央博物馆
09.10Thu Watch: Magnificent view of Kuitun Grand Canyon 穿越新疆奎屯大峡谷,感受大自然的鬼斧神工09.09Wed Live: Journey to the Shenzhong Mountain and Irtysh River in #AmazingXinjiang 探访新疆金山银水09.08Tue Live: Admire the cultural treasures at the National Museum of Slovenia 走进斯洛文尼亚国家博物馆
09.07Mon Live: What's special about the National Museum in Warsaw? 一起来逛逛波兰华沙国家博物馆吧09.06Sun Live: An alpine pearl in NW China's Xinjiang – Tianchi Lake 新疆天池山峰倒映,碧水似镜09.05Sat Live: Global gardening boom – How do gardens help people get through the pandemic?
09.04Fri Live: CGTN team wraps up 'Into Tibet 2020' with gifts and stories CGTN三路背包客分享西藏点滴09.03Thu Live: A view of Beijing City before the opening of 2020 CIFTIS 2020服贸会前,俯瞰北京城市街景09.02Wed Live: Into no man's land in Tibet to see the world's third largest glacier
09.01Tue Live: Embrace the glamorous sunrise with wild animals in the vast prairie08.31Mon 《西藏 扎西德勒》上集08.30Sun Live: Aquatic birds thrive at a lake in Tianjin Zoo 天津动物园水禽湖观鸟
08.29Sat Live: Spend a day with Lhamo in Qionggyai County 和扎西拉姆一起度过山南人家的一天08.27Thu Live: Tour the world's highest monastery on Mt. Qomolangma探寻珠峰脚下绒布寺,聆听信仰的声音08.26Wed Live: Let's talk about Tibet at the Mount Qomolangma base camp珠峰脚下背包客分享在西藏的故事
08.25Tue Live: Cooking next to Namtso – The Lake of Heaven 探访秘境湖泊纳木措 体验原生态高原烹饪08.23Sun Live: Three unique skills of Nyemo County“大胡子兄弟”体验“尼木三绝” 探寻手艺背后的故事08.22Sat Live: Tour through Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Tibet到扎什伦布寺听诵经,了解藏传佛教文化
08.21Fri Live: Massive rice paddy painting creates visual spectacle 看巨幅彩色稻田变身乡村美丽风景线08.20Thu Live: Have a sip of the most authentic Tibetan sweet tea 打卡拉萨最正宗的光明甜茶馆08.19Wed Live: Celebrate the Shoton Festival in Lhasa with the locals不能错过的拉萨雪顿节
08.18Tue Live: Massive rice paddy 'painting' creates visual spectacle看巨幅彩色稻田变身乡村美丽风景线08.17Mon Live: Massive rice paddy painting creates visual spectacle 看巨幅彩色稻田如何变成乡村风景线08.16Sun Live: Massive rice paddy 'painting' boosts tourism 看巨幅彩色稻田变身乡村美丽风景线
08.15Sat Live: Massive rice paddy painting creates visual spectacle 看巨幅彩色稻田变身乡村美丽风景线08.14Fri Live: Enjoy the Torch Festival and pray for prosperity大理剑川白族火把节08.13Thu Live: Massive rice paddy painting creates visual spectacle看巨幅彩色稻田变身乡村美丽风景线
08.11Tue Live: Massive rice paddy painting creates visual spectacle看巨幅彩色稻田变身乡村美丽风景线08.10Mon Live: Massive rice paddy painting creates visual spectacle看巨幅彩色稻田变身乡村美丽风景线08.09Sun Live: Explore mysterious gold mines in east China 探访遂昌金矿国家矿山公园
08.07Fri Live: Massive rice paddy painting creates visual spectacle 看巨幅彩色稻田如何变成乡村风景线08.05Wed Live: Massive rice paddy painting creates visual spectacle云南巨幅彩色稻田变乡村风景线08.04Tue Live: Massive rice paddy painting creates visual spectacle看巨型彩色稻田如何变成乡村风景线
08.02Sun Live: More than 000 jellyfish are on display in a jellyfish- themed aquarium07.31Fri The City of the Future: 'Cloud Open Day' in the Sri Lanka Port City Colombo07.29Wed Live: Explore tigers' daily life in a wildlife park on Intl. Tiger Day探秘秦岭野生动物园丛林之王
07.24Fri Live: Turkey holds first Friday prayers in iconic Hagia Sophia土耳其圣索菲亚大教堂从博物馆变成清真寺后首次举行祈祷07.22Wed Live: Rice paddy art pictures boost tourism and agriculture震撼之美!巨幅稻田画五彩田园,鹊桥相会07.21Tue Live: Decoding the history of the Silk Road at China Silk Museum 带你走进丝绸之路前世今生
07.20Mon Live: How China is reopening cinemas with anti-epidemic measures? 影院按下播放键,看成都影院如何有序开放营业07.19Sun Travelogue: Exploring Beijing's backyard07.18Sat Travelogue: Exploring Beijing's backyard
07.17Fri 我在贵州等你 第一季 第1期金小鱼破译古老情书共6期07.15Wed Live: Disneyland Paris reopens to the public after COVID-19 lockdown07.10Fri Live: Embark an exciting safari Nairobi National Park 走进内罗毕国家公园
07.06Mon Live: Louvre Museum reopens in Paris after coronavirus lockdown法国卢浮宫重新对外开放07.03Fri Live: Discovering the mesmerizing beauty of snow-capped Meili Mountain 大美云南,遇见梅里雪山06.27Sat Live: Feasting and learning at Sichuan Cuisine Museum 走进成都川菜博物馆,感受别样 “川味” 端午
06.26Fri Live: Nightlife industry helps bring economic recovery沈阳“夜经济”提升市场活力06.25Thu Live: Celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with Li Ziqi and other top Chinese foodie influencers06.24Wed Live: Russia marks 75th Victory Day parade anniversary at Red Square
06.22Mon Live: Qu Yuan Hometown's Dragon Boat Festival opening ceremony starts in C China's Hubei Province06.20Sat Live: Put on your party shoes, Shanghai's nightlife festival is here! 探访首届上海夜生活06.19Fri Live: Celebrating Dragon Boat Festival with stand up paddling去贵州赤水看桨板达人挑战赛
06.14Sun Live: Hubei Provincial Museum reopens to public 好久不见!湖北省博物馆今天正式开馆06.13Sat Live: Explore the starting point of Beijing's central axis 走近中轴线之首钟鼓楼06.06Sat Live: Unlocking the environmental secrets of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 解密青藏高原环境的时光变迁
06.05Fri Live: A night tour in China's 5 different locations05.31Sun Live: How do apricots help alleviate poverty in Xinjiang? 新疆轮台小白杏助力当地果农脱贫05.24Sun Live: Traditional tea-picking techniques of Hani people in SW China
05.17Sun Live: The beauty of summer in the Palace Museum带你走进5月的紫禁城05.14Thu Live: Explore the Tsering Chey Nga Snow Mountain Museum 探秘次仁切阿雪山博物馆05.13Wed Live: Resumption of Fengtai Railway Station construction 复工啦!北京丰台火车站加快工期进度
05.12Tue Live: Families from the SW China “cliff village” move into new homes “悬崖村”首批12户今日搬家05.11Mon Live: Explore the world's largest puffer fish breeding base探访世界上最大的河豚养殖基地05.05Tue Live: A look at Beijing public transport's precautionary measures通往北京香山的有轨电车恢复运营
05.03Sun Live: A tour of Chengdu's popular food lane on May Day holiday 五一黄金周探访成都美食街05.01Fri Live: The Great Wall welcomes visitors during Labor Day holiday八达岭长城有序迎接今年首批小长假游客04.29Wed 【郑爽】花少首发导游不容易!爽妹子变“不爽”? 花少成员意外不断矛盾不断! 《花儿与少年》Divas hit the road
04.15Wed Live: Breathing back life into Wuhan, bit by bit 武汉解封后探访网红美食老街04.08Wed 《跟着书本去旅行》冰雪查干湖——冰的千变万化 04.07Tue 《跟着书本去旅行》冰雪查干湖——丰收的查干湖
04.04Sat Live: China’s tourism slowly recovers amid the COVID-19 pandemic03.27Fri Live: Friday night in Singapore amid the coronavirus pandemic 疫情影响下的新加坡克拉码头02.27Thu Live: Visiting Luodai Ancient Town in SW China 洛带古镇重新营业,有哪些疫情防控措施呢?
02.25Tue Live: How does a 3D-printed vegan steak taste? 西班牙科学家3D打印素食牛排,味道如何?02.23Sun Live: Annual 'Battle of the Oranges' taking place in Italian town of Ivrea 意大利小镇上演橘子大战02.04Tue Are language and freedom of religion being respected in Tibet?
01.24Fri Live: The story behind Manado's oldest temple in Indonesia印尼美娜多万兴宫背后的故事01.23Thu Live: Ancient city of Xi'an gets ready for Spring Festival西安回民街里探年味儿01.18Sat Live: Stunning lanterns light up Beijing horticultural expo venue走进世园首届文化庙会暨大型灯会
01.17Fri Live: Traditional Tibetan New Year in Shigatse来日喀则感受藏历新年的热烈氛围01.16Thu Live: 'Village of silversmiths' to welcome Chinese Spring Festival坐“小慢车” 和年货一起回家!01.15Wed Live: Explore a village that bridges two countries at the China-Myanmar border 探秘中缅奇境“一寨两国”
01.14Tue Live: What do Chinese people buy for Spring Festival? 浓浓的年味,从年货大集开始!01.13Mon Taal Volcano in the Philippines erupts, spewing ash and steam 菲律宾塔阿尔火山猛喷 灰烬飞出一千米01.12Sun Live: Spring Festival in Uganda在非洲逛春节庙会是一种什么样的体验?
01.11Sat Live: Malaysia opens 2020 Spring Festival Grand Bazaar马来西亚迎新春大集开幕了01.05Sun Live: Fireworks, lights open 2020 Harbin Ice and Snow Festival 哈尔滨国际冰雪节盛大开幕



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