
Update on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:33:40 +0000


Various shows from China, Hongkong and Taiwan

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播出节目主题列表 (按日期倒序排列) 日历列表
12.31Thu 国家主席习近平发表二〇二一年新年贺词12.29Tue China's rural development plan for 2021 and beyond12.27Sun 探月的脚步!人民科学家叶培健要为国家做事 做得越多越好 【面对面】
12.26Sat 《对话》向上攀登上市公司再出发 12.25Fri Are China's COVID-19 vaccines good enough?12.23Wed 国新办发布会《中国交通的可持续发展》白皮书22日发布 《权威发布》
12.22Tue 国新办发布会《新时代的中国能源发展》白皮书21日发表 《权威发布》12.21Mon 国务院联防联控机制发布会介绍重点人群新冠病毒疫苗接种工作 《权威发布》12.20Sun Shadowing the guardians of the forests in China's southwest
12.19Sat 《对话》资本市场的创新动能 12.18Fri What are China's plans for future space exploration?12.17Thu Watch China's journey to the moon and back in under 3:30
12.14Mon China's war on poverty12.13Sun Live: Commemorating Nanjing Massacre victims on national memorial day12.12Sat Live: Latest on Chengdu's COVID-19 mass testing 直击成都郫都区疫情防控最新进展
12.11Fri Live: Latest on COVID-19 containment in Chengdu City四川成都召开新冠肺炎疫情防控工作新闻发布会12.09Wed 国新办发布会介绍云南脱贫攻坚有关情况 《权威发布》12.06Sun 万米深潜!“奋斗者”号总设计师“不是终点,我们刚刚打开了深海的一个门缝” 【面对面】
12.05Sat Live: Beijing Forum 2020 on globalization under pandemic12.04Fri Hope & Potential: The China-ASEAN Story12.03Thu Live: Briefing on the achievements of poverty alleviation relocation国新办易地扶贫搬迁工作新闻发布会
12.02Wed Live: News conference on fiscal and taxation policies to support poverty alleviation11.30Mon 他放弃医院院长职位守护艾滋病患儿16年 听郭小平讲述国内唯一艾滋病患儿学校的故事 【面对面】11.29Sun Live: Get ready for the ice-fishing season at China's Chagan Lake 查干湖进入冰封期 冬捕季即将到来
11.28Sat 《对话》奔跑吧!快递 11.25Wed Live: China's latest measures on food safety during COVID-19 pandemic11.23Mon Live: China shares latest on ensuring people's basic livelihoods in the battle against poverty
11.22Sun [面对面]李翠利微光书苑11.21Sat 《对话》从“三头在外”到“三个世界第一” 11.20Fri Live: Understanding China Create change through cooperation
11.17Tue Live: Wuhan shares latest preparation against epidemic rebound this winter11.14Sat Live: Live: Primitive rural village of Lisu and Nu ethnic groups in Yunnan Province11.13Fri Live: Last batch of Mongolia-donated sheep arrives in China
11.11Wed Live: 2nd World Health Expo held in Wuhan, China11.10Tue Live: How brands and livestreamers gear up for Double-11 festival?11.09Mon 央视专访刘福学 讲述全球2600多家企业如何共赴进博会之约 【面对面】
11.07Sat 《对话》进博会开放中国的世界机会 11.05Thu Live: Spot your package in smart warehouse in China 快来 “云监工“ ,你的双十一快递到哪啦11.03Tue How significant is the FYP model to China's development?
11.02Mon 国新办举行发布会介绍世界互联网大会·互联网发展论坛有关情况及筹备工作进展 《权威发布》11.01Sun 14th Five-Year Plan goals and missions10.31Sat Live: Prof. Zhang Wenhong and Nobel laureates talk coronavirus in winter诺奖大咖【对话】张文宏谈全球抗疫
10.30Fri China's blueprint for a new era10.29Thu “粮食英雄”送菜人李志方国家有难还要涨价 违背良心! 【面对面】10.28Wed 刘沈厅具有985高校硕士学位的职业农民 【面对面】
10.27Tue Live: Experiencing new retail services for cross-border e-commerce in Shanghai10.25Sun Enemy on the doorstep: China's involvement in the Korean War10.24Sat Live: Join 'A Walk in Shanghai' and meet some artists on the street 上海首届 “逛马路节“
10.23Fri Xi hails historic significance of War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea10.21Wed Live: Visit to a primary school on China-Myanmar border探访边境上的生态小学10.20Tue Live: Latest on China's COVID-19 vaccines 国务院联防联控机制召开新闻发布会介绍新冠疫苗有关情况
10.18Sun Live: How does China maintain its anti-poverty achievements? 中国如何巩固脱贫攻坚,保障脱贫不返贫10.17Sat 《攻坚日记》脱贫 我们的故事 1/210.16Fri Live: Poverty alleviation workshop provides jobs to local residents扶贫小车间,脱贫新引擎
10.15Thu Why is opening-up so important to China?10.14Wed Live: Celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen SEZ10.12Mon 刘秀祥曾经背着母亲上学 如今返乡任教助贫困学子圆梦 【面对面】
10.11Sun Live: How could political parties and countries promote poverty reduction?10.10Sat How will cross-Strait ties evolve in the next month or two?10.09Fri Live: It's cotton harvest season in Xinjiang's Marabishi County 喀什巴楚县百万亩棉花丰收在望
10.08Thu Live: Explore the world's deepest high-speed railway station 探访世界最深八达岭高铁站10.07Wed Live: Talk to the World – Local narratives at the Xinjiang Forum 202010.06Tue Live: A helicopter tour with Tibetan pilot in Lhasa
10.05Mon Live: Changing locomotives on world's highest railway line 世界海拔最高的高原铁路是如何换车头的?10.04Sun Live: Enjoy the delicate sweetness of pear feast in 'Pear City' Korla10.02Fri 习近平在联合国大会纪念北京世界妇女大会25周年高级别会议上发表重要讲话
09.30Wed Live: President Xi Jinping delivers speech at UN Biodiversity Summit09.29Tue Live: Auto China 2020 defies COVID-19 pandemic 后疫情时代里的2北京车展09.24Thu Will the island region of Taiwan get what it wants from the U.S.?
09.22Tue 正在直播习近平出席联合国成立75周年纪念峰会一般性辩论并发表重要讲话09.21Mon 直播回看习近平在联合国成立75周年纪念峰会上发表重要讲话09.18Fri Live: China marks 89th anniversary of September 18 Incident 纪念九一八事变八十九周年
09.17Thu Live: Apsara Conference kicks off in Hangzhou 云栖大会大幕开启09.12Sat Live: Fascinating scenery from Fairy Bay in Kanas Lake Ep.2 走近喀纳斯神仙湾 享受静谧的心灵圣地09.11Fri Live: Fascinating scenery from Fairy Bay in Kanas Lake 走近喀纳斯神仙湾,享受静谧的心灵圣地
09.10Thu Live: Breathtaking view of Koktokay scenic spot in China's Xinjiang09.09Wed Eye on CIFTIS 2020: Post-pandemic recovery / Tribute to COVID-19 heroes09.08Tue Live: A view of Beijing during China's 2020 int'l services trade fair 2020服贸会北京城市街景俯瞰
09.07Mon Live: China's biggest inland freshwater lake中国最大的内陆淡水吞吐湖博斯腾湖09.06Sun Live: Beijing during the 2020 CIFTIS09.05Sat Live: A view of Beijing during the period of 2020 CIFTIS 2020服贸会北京城市街景俯瞰
09.04Fri Live: A view of Beijing City before the opening of 2020 CIFTIS 2020服贸会前,俯瞰北京城市街景09.02Wed Live: Air China aircraft gets a 2022 Olympics-themed makeover 看国航“冰雪号“彩绘全过程09.01Tue Live: Air China aircraft gets a colorful 2022 Olympics-themed makeover 看国航“冰雪号“彩绘全过程
08.31Mon Live: Air China aircraft gets makeover on Olympic Winter Games theme 国航“冰雪号”换冬奥新装08.30Sun 高考676分女孩钟芳蓉报考北大考古学 成长过程中她有怎样的坚持?「面对面」08.29Sat Live: Air China aircraft gets 2022 Winter Olympic-themed makeover 国航“冰雪号”换冬奥新装
08.28Fri Live: Air China aircraft gets makeover on the theme of 2022 Winter Olympics 国航“冰雪号”换冬奥新装08.27Thu Live: Air China plane gets a 2022 Winter Olympics makeover 国航“冰雪号”换冬奥新装08.26Wed Live: 40-year miracle in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone 回顾深圳40年创新发展之路
08.25Tue Lies and truth: Vocational education and training in Xinjiang08.23Sun Live: Shenzhen Special Economic Zone 40 years on 深圳经济特区成立40周年08.22Sat Live: How popular are Danish writer Andersen's fairy tales in China? 安徒生童话在中国
08.19Wed Live: A revisit of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital on Chinese Doctors' Day重访金银潭医院,专访张定宇08.18Tue China's anti-food waste campaign08.17Mon Live: Heavy downpours batter southwest China's Sichuan Province 记者直击四川暴雨,救援抢险正在进行
08.16Sun Live: Downpour batters SW China's Sichuan Province08.13Thu Live: Explore Hua Zhong International Auto Exhibition in Wuhan 武汉举办华中国际车展08.12Wed Live: Heavy rainfall warning in N China 京津冀迎来今年以来最强降雨
08.09Sun 全球首位新冠肺移植出院患者救治过程 医生感觉人生值得!「面对面」08.07Fri Live: Unprecedented floods hit southern China08.05Wed Live: Heavy flooding wreaks havoc in S China特大洪水持续肆虐我国南方,直击南方多地汛情
08.04Tue Live: Heavy floods in S China直击南方多地汛情08.03Mon Live: China stresses flood control and water conservancy直击南方多地汛情08.02Sun Live: Flood response level in Yangtze River and riverside drops长江防汛应急响应降为III级
08.01Sat Live: China goes all out to battle unprecedented floods along the Yangtze 关注!直击全国多地汛情07.31Fri Live: China makes all-out relief efforts as heavy rains continue 近距离直击全国多地雨情汛情07.30Thu Live: China makes all-out effort to battle record-setting floods直击南方多地洪涝汛情
07.29Wed Live: China to enhance flood control dike patrols in the south直击南方多地洪涝汛情07.27Mon Live: Incessant rains continue to hit southern China 近距离直击全国多地雨情汛情07.26Sun Live: Rainstorms continue to wreak havoc in vast stretches of China 直击中国南方多地汛情
07.25Sat Live: Heavy rainfall pummels vast stretches of China 近距离直击全国多地雨情汛情07.24Fri Live: Incessant rains continue to batter southern China近距离直击全国多地雨情汛情07.22Wed Live: China renews blue alert as rainstorms continue to wreak havoc
07.21Tue Live: Regions along China's longest river continue to battle historic floods 直击中国南方多地汛情07.19Sun Live: Second flood forms at upstream area of Yangtze River in China直击南方多地洪涝汛情07.16Thu China Flood Response/ U.S.-EU Security Ties
07.15Wed Live: China battles torrential floods as rescue work underway直击中国多地雨情汛情07.14Tue Live: Downpours continue to wreak havoc across vast stretches of China南方多地洪涝汛情07.11Sat Live: Heavy rainfall continues to hit southern China 南方多地继续遭受暴雨来袭
07.10Fri Live: Are some media outlets manipulating facts in Xinjiang stories?媒体是否在新疆人权报道中歪曲事实?07.09Thu Different graduation season for Chinese college students07.08Wed Live: Zhang Boli and his team share COVID-19 experiences with Ghana counterparts
07.06Mon [面对面] “这里没有故事没有爱情” 亲历者回忆中国核武器探索的岁月07.05Sun Hong Kong police: Never giving up is the spirit of Hong Kong Lion Rock07.03Fri Live: What Western media aren't telling you about the National Security Law for Hong Kong
07.02Thu Live: Villagers benefit from profit-sharing in SW China's Ahou village 阿吼村今天又一次分红啦07.01Wed 《权威发布》国新办举行发布会06.30Tue Three Hong Kong youngsters' farming life in Guangdong
06.29Mon Live: Rainstorm continues to batter central China 武汉暴雨 市区部分路段渍水严重06.28Sun Live: Road built in cliff-top village helps villagers out of poverty06.25Thu 《一路有你》雷神山ICU最后的身影
06.24Wed Live: Chinese officials update on the COVID-19 outbreak 国务院联防联控召开新冠疫情相关新闻发布会06.23Tue Live: Chinese medics share COVID-19 treatment experience with Brazil counterparts06.22Mon Live: A conversation with HK lawmakers on national security law 【对话】香港立法会议员何君尧、陈克勤
06.19Fri  Beijing spike in COVID-19 cases under control/China condemns U.S. Uygur bill06.17Wed National anthem law passed in HKSAR06.16Tue Special program on Hong Kong situation
06.15Mon Live: How do families with children cope with changes brought by COVID-19?家庭如何应对疫情带来的变化06.14Sun Live: BeiDou system to be completed in June 北斗导航系统将于本月底发射最后一颗卫星后完成组建06.13Sat Live: Oil tank truck explosion on expressway in East China
06.11Thu The Point: Did China hide data in outbreak's early stage?06.09Tue Will street vending do its bit to help China's economy recovery?06.08Mon Live: Graduating students at Wuhan University can return in batches 武汉大学毕业生分批返校
06.07Sun Live: China's SCIO issues white paper on fighting COVID-1906.05Fri Live: Hubei Province's media briefing on supporting SMEs 湖北省解读支持中小微企业共渡难关稳定发展文件06.02Tue ICON: ordinary people under pandemic
06.01Mon How does Anti-Secession Law express China's will to defend national sovereignty?05.31Sun National security legislation: What does it mean for Hong Kong SAR?05.30Sat Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai & Annie Wu Suk-ching on HKSAR / Macao's pandemic response
05.29Fri Two Sessions: HK National Security Legislation05.28Thu Live: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang takes questions from the media 李克强总理出席记者会05.27Wed Live: Hubei shares latest containment measures on COVID-19 湖北省通报疫情防控最新进展
05.26Tue China's Post-pandemic Economy / National Security Legislation for HK / Living alongside COVID-1905.25Mon Live: Ministers meet the press via video conference at the second Ministers' Corridor05.23Sat Two Sessions: Debating the future
05.22Fri What to expect from China's Two Sessions in 202005.21Thu Live: Special program on Members' Corridor and opening session of China's top political advi05.20Wed Live: China's top advisory body holds 2020's first presser online 全国政协十三届三次会议首场发布会
05.19Tue Global pandemic response China pledges $2 bln in aid05.18Mon Live: Media briefing on stabilizing foreign trade and investment 稳住外贸外资基本盘推动商务高质量发展05.15Fri Live: China introduces mental health services under normalized COVID-19 prevention measures
05.14Thu Live: The role of China's shelter hospitals in COVID-19 containment05.13Wed Live: Officials and experts discuss normalized #COVID19 prevention and control measures05.12Tue Stories in Bus 703: How did Wuhan recover from the COVID-19 outbreak?
05.11Mon Live: Leung Chun-ying talks on the current situation in Hong Kong 【对话】梁振英-香港,行尽了许多崎岖路05.08Fri Live: Nurses from Beijing Chaoyang Hospital share COVID-19 frontline experience05.07Thu Why digital currency in China?
05.06Wed Live: Chinese disease control medics introduce COVID-19 containment measures05.05Tue Live: Doctors from Peking Union Medical College answer COVID-19 questions from the media05.04Mon Live: Principals from the transshipment and medical aid teams brief on #COVID19 containment
05.03Sun Live: Chinese frontline medics answer COVID-19 questions from the media05.01Fri Live: China shares latest on the work of national medical rescue teams for Hubei04.29Wed Live: Chengdu resumes construction work of metro lines after COVID-19 containment
04.28Tue Recovery: Life after lockdown04.27Mon Live: China’s latest steps in prevention of imported COVID-19 cases中国介绍防控境外疫情输入最新情况04.26Sun Live: Tightening quality control over exported medical supplies加强医疗防控物资出口质量监管
04.25Sat The Point: What is a 'wet market' in China?04.24Fri Live: Press conference on strengthening poverty alleviation for rural poor population04.22Wed Live: China shares latest measures to cushion micro and small enterprises
04.21Tue Live: China’s latest on the management of discharged COVID-19 patients 中国介绍新冠肺患者出院管理情况04.20Mon Live: China updates on its prevention of imported COVID-19 cases 中国介绍防控境外疫情输入最新情况04.19Sun Live: Chinese officials briefing on ensuring agricultural production and supply
04.18Sat Live: Financial support to help Hubei recover from COVID-1904.17Fri Live: Briefing on TCM's role in #COVID19 treatment and progress in containing coronavirus04.16Thu What's the latest for Africans in Guangzhou?
04.15Wed Live: Last group of medics leave Wuhan依依惜别 北京协和医院援鄂医疗队撤离武汉04.14Tue Live: My quarantine story what's quarantine life really like? 海外回国华人的隔离故事04.13Mon Live: Legally preventing imported COVID-19 cases from overseas依法防控境外新冠肺炎疫情输入
04.11Sat Live: Improving COVID-19 prevention and control in community 介绍优化社区防控筑牢安全屏障工作情况04.10Fri Live: Improving policy support for vulnerable groups 完善新冠肺炎疫情期间困难群体的政策保障04.09Thu COVID-19 Frontline: Dr.Zhang Wenhong shares experience with Bangladesh health officials
04.08Wed The Front Line Lifting Wuhan's Lockdown04.07Tue Live: Virtual Town Hall reflecting on end of Wuhan's lockdown04.05Sun Live: China enhances medical resource supervision amid COVID-19 pandemic
04.04Sat 《深切悼念新冠肺炎疫情牺牲烈士和逝世同胞》-04.02Thu Live: China's intl. collaborations in healthcare and COVID-19 control 联防联控——防控与医疗国际合作04.01Wed Live: Latest on China’s poverty elimination and civil service amid COVID-19 国务院联防联控机制发布会
03.30Mon Live: China ramps up efforts to curb imported coronavirus cases03.29Sun Lost in Hong Kong – Liu Xin's Perspective03.27Fri China CDC: Coronavirus the common enemy / Recession risks: How bad, how fast
03.26Thu Life in a Shelter Hospital03.25Wed Live: CGTN Think Tank on latest scientific development in coronavirus battle03.24Tue Live: Medical experts answer questions on COVID-19 pandemic 国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会
03.21Sat Live: China's measures on resumption of major investment projects中国介绍重大投资项目开工复工有关情况03.18Wed Live: China’s latest policies and measures for consumption recovery 国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会03.17Tue Live: First group of medical teams leave Hubei Province 首批驰援湖北国家医疗队返程
03.15Sun Live: China’s latest monetary policies to support work and production resumption03.14Sat Live: How does China support vulnerable groups amid COVID-19 control 联防联控,为困难群众提供兜底保障03.12Thu Live: Experts share the latest on COVID-19 control in Guangdong 钟南山出席广东省疫情防控发布会
03.11Wed China 2049: What kind of country will it be?03.10Tue Live: Wuhan closes a temporary hospital for COVID-19 又一所方舱医院关门大吉03.08Sun Live: Female COVID-19 frontline workers share their experiences一线巾帼奋斗者分享抗“疫”故事
03.07Sat Live: China's latest efforts to help migrants get back to work 农民工返岗复工有保障,“点对点”服务共抗疫情03.06Fri Live: China's latest efforts to fight COVID-19 with sci-tech03.05Thu Live: 'Iron Man' – A special volunteer team fighting COVID-19 “钢铁侠”志愿者队现身武汉
03.04Wed Will decline in China's COVID-19 cases be sustained?03.02Mon Assignment Asia Episode 119: Miracle Babies Made in Taiwan03.01Sun Live: Updates on containing COVID-19 in Hubei 江汉方舱医院医疗救治最新情况
02.29Sat Live: Media briefing on treatment of COVID-19 and recovery of patients新冠肺炎治疗与患者康复情况02.28Fri The lockdown: One month in Wuhan02.26Wed China 2049: How to drive financial reform and innovation
02.24Mon Live: Latest on China's precise financial services for epidemic control02.23Sun Live: China’s SCIO invites frontline workers to share their stories in the battle against COVID-1902.21Fri Live: Update on efforts to control epidemic, maintain social stability
02.20Thu Live: First batch of Chinese nationals aboard Diamond Princess arrives in Hong Kong02.16Sun What happened to one man's family when he got the coronavirus in Wuhan02.13Thu Live: Wuhan's Leishenshan Hospital nears completion 慢直播直击雷神山医院建设最前线
02.11Tue Live: Wuhan's Leishenshan Hospital is put into use直击武汉雷神山医院疫情最前线02.10Mon Live: Briefing on the latest coronavirus prevention and control 国务院联防联控机制疫情通报发布会02.09Sun Live: Latest on Wuhan's Leishenshan Hospital construction and delivery武汉雷神山医院开始逐步移交
02.08Sat Live: Wuhan's coronavirus patients move into new Leishenshan Hospital02.07Fri Live: SCIO briefing on fiscal policies to control the coronavirus 国新办支持疫情防控财税政策发布会02.06Thu Live: News conference on novel coronavirus outbreak 国务院联防联控机制召开新闻发布会通报疫情数据
02.05Wed Secrets of China's IP system02.04Tue Live: View of Wuhan's Leishenshan Hospital construction site 一起来看雷神山医院施工现场02.02Sun Live: Construction of Wuhan prefab hospitals close to completion 武汉火神山医院即将交工
02.01Sat Live: Construction of prefab hospitals in Wuhan advances 武汉火神山、雷神山医院正在建设中01.30Thu Live: Press conference on the novel coronavirus outbreak 国家卫健委通报疫情最新数据01.29Wed Live: Construction for Wuhan makeshift hospitals underway 武汉火神山雷神山医院建设最前线
01.28Tue Live: Construction for Wuhan makeshift hospitals underway 与疫情赛跑——武汉火神山雷神山医院建设最前线01.27Mon Live: View of construction site of Wuhan's novel coronavirus hospitals武汉火神山、雷神山医院施工现场01.26Sun Live: Medics from various places help combat coronavirus中国多省市医疗人员和装备驰援武汉
01.24Fri Live: Welcome the Year of the Rat with CGTN 与CGTN一起过除夕迎鼠年01.22Wed China declares a 'war' on plastic pollution01.21Tue 《国家监察》第一集 擘画蓝图
01.20Mon China 2020: Vision and Challenges Ecology01.19Sun Assignment Asia Episode 115: Nepal's Blind Healer01.18Sat Live: Get ready for the lion dance competition in Dubai 迪拜舞狮争霸迎新春
01.17Fri Live: Human Rights Watch chief blocked in HK: Whats the whole story?01.14Tue China's brands go global01.13Mon Big Data: Guizhou's New Calling Card
01.11Sat U.S.-China trade breakthrough/Taiwan election01.10Fri China 2020: Vision & Challenges I – Political Development01.08Wed Live: 2020 Spring Festival travel rush kicks off 2020春运开始啦!CGTN记者和你一起踏上回家之旅 Language: English Locati
01.02Thu China's achievements of 2019 and priorities for 202001.01Wed President Xi's New Year address: Foreign Investment Law takes effect



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