
Update on Wed, 01 May 2024 03:51:26 +0000


Various shows from China, Hongkong and Taiwan

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wertd: 麗文正經話 0909 These 2 economist professors are 3rd-rated low IQ rubbish. 11-03 10:12
wertd: 麗文正經話 0909 Why the only 2 BLUE shows on Taiwan TV are presenterd by relatively lower IQ ladies??? 11-03 11:05
wertd: 網路酸辣湯A show can only be as good as its main presenter could go. Unfortunately the lady presenter capps the quality of the show to a certain level. It could be much higher...pity. 09-11 01:24
wertd: 有話好說 0903 The programme sounds stupid! Only 3 goals: USA's Asia Pivot; Abe-led Japanese Revisionism&Militarism; Taiwan's "independence"led by Wonky Cai and Lee, an ex-Jap dog . 11-27 14:53
wertd: 網路酸辣湯 0831 Who will be the next on the card after the Japanese AV pornstar? Peter West ? Wonky Cai must think she's lucky. 10-04 13:43
wertd: 麗文正經話 0831 Stupity of this show has no bound. The only reason Westrn nations not showing up is due to Uncle Sam. Had China been weak, every leader of the world would have come. 10-04 09:25
wertd: 網路酸辣湯No THX. Feel free to enjoy your own shit, while you can of course. 08-15 10:32
wertd: 網路酸辣湯 0812 Having elected this idiotic mayor, Taibei citizens reap what they sow. 08-19 23:42

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