
Update on Wed, 01 May 2024 01:59:10 +0000


Various shows from China, Hongkong and Taiwan

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Simon: Focus全球新聞 1101 當然~播出老師及別的方念華主播~是最好的.由淺入深.娓娓道出故事! 12-24 00:33
SIMON: Focus全球新聞 0904 不是這片.~轉型了~專家評論~更好全球資訊 11-03 14:11
SIMON: Focus全球新聞 0903 ~回來了 !!! 10-17 10:38
Simon: Focus全球新聞怎麼沒有 081 7 ? 12-14 01:13
Simon: Focus全球新聞 0806 怎麼沒有? 10-10 04:31
Simon: Focus全球新聞 0805怎麼沒有~??? 10-03 00:20
Simon: Focus全球新聞 0727,why not have 0728,0729?? 10-04 14:06
Simon: 新闻面对面 0710 Yes, Speak out , fight it back -- right thing to do .Good job. Ms.Chin. 10-03 23:25
Simon: 壹起來翻轉 0704 Pro. Ma is great. He knows what, why and how. My repect!! 10-02 16:45
Simon: 新闻追追追 0624 Stuip & ugly mouth ! In US degrees can be achieved online without essay. 10-04 17:31
Simon: 新闻面对面 0624 Again God's mercy- Chou is very sick and ugly or she has her own purpose. I own US Master degree. No eaasy needed for degree 10-04 15:18
Simon: 壹起來翻轉 0618 Please don't mistreat audience. 07-01 02:59
Simon: 網路酸辣湯 0617 If a major can not control his tongue, then what else he can? 09-04 17:13
Simon: 重磅新聞 0617 Today's topic and guest are very good. 09-04 03:29
Simon: 新闻面对面 0617 God's mercy for Chou. Poor girl does know what she's doing. 06-30 12:52
Simon: 新闻面对面 0616 No easy to put all sick people together and keep them talking. 09-04 17:17

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