点评 [1]
6nkwz4远方的家 1226 with the Soviet or eastern Russian building looming behind... verysignificant 12-26 10:20
6nkwz4远方的家 1206 In Deutschland igenwas Deutsch sprechen 12-06 10:32
zzr198328好看 05-02 01:35
s4k6pm请您点评远方的家 0427 @ps6s5i @ps6s5i @ps6s5i @ps6s5i @egwo 05-02 00:02
ps6s5i远方的家 1230 这个孙姓记者总的来说报导不错,但在与外国人互动时,手指点的幅度有时过大,容易让人觉得不太礼貌。 12-31 07:03
园丁远方的家 0922 这个节目是1080i高清!在电视上放出来也应该是很清晰的。 09-22 05:56
6p3s3z远方的家 0922 bad...video quality 09-22 05:45
egwo远方的家 0401 Excellent program and presentation !!! Feel so very proud of my mother land and the new, younger generation - such as our beautiful, capacable reporter and her team !!! 04-04 19:21
egwo远方的家 Excellent program and presentation !!! Feel so very proud of my mother land , and the new, younger geration - such as our beautiful, capable reporter and her team!! 04-04 19:04